
Thesix-steppathtoecosystems·1.Reviewreadiness·2.Nurturetheecosystemmindset·3.Determinepresentandfutureroles·4.Redefinetheplayingfield.,Movingbeyondstrategy,tobuildanecosystemyouwillneedtomanageyourorganization.Theoldpartofit—thatwhichcurrentlygeneratesrevenue—willwantto ...,2023年8月24日—Buildingecosystemsisnotverycapitalintensiveandearlysuccessescanleadtomeasurableimprovementincustomerownersh...

How to thrive in the ecosystem economy

The six-step path to ecosystems · 1. Review readiness · 2. Nurture the ecosystem mindset · 3. Determine present and future roles · 4. Redefine the playing field.

In the Ecosystem Economy, What's Your Strategy?

Moving beyond strategy, to build an ecosystem you will need to manage your organization. The old part of it—that which currently generates revenue—will want to ...

Strategies to win in the new ecosystem economy

2023年8月24日 — Building ecosystems is not very capital intensive and early successes can lead to measurable improvement in customer ownership and margin, which ...

The Ecosystem Economy

Ecosystem strategies can generate significant value both by growing the core business and by expanding the portfolio into new products and services.

The Ecosystem Economy

2023年7月27日 — The Ecosystem Economy is a new economic paradigm that focuses on co-creation, collaboration, and interdependence. In contrast to traditional ...

The Ecosystem Economy

The Ecosystem Economy is your personal roadmap to navigating that new world. It's ideal for managers, executives, and other business leaders seeking fresh new ...

The Guide to the Ecosystem Economy

Dive into Rik Vera's book 'The Guide to the Ecosystem Economy' for insights on shaping businesses in a connected world. The book is now available.